Join John Brumby, Benjamin Law and Dr Clare Wright as they kick off NextFest with a thought-provoking discussion on the future of humanity
Humanity is at a critical juncture.
Social and political norms are rapidly eroding, with trust in institutions at record lows. Automation and technological change are disrupting entire industries and the way we work. Shifting attitudes toward gender and race are unsettling many while also offering radical hope for genuine social transformation.
We’re in the thick of a worsening climate emergency, a period of mass extinction, and grappling with the potential fall-out of growing great power rivalries. Old certainties are unravelling, and the future seems increasingly unpredictable.
In a discussion facilitated by La Trobe University’s Clare Wright, Benjamin Law will delve into these issues to launch NextFest 2019.
This event will be officially opened by the Honourable John Brumby AO, Chancellor of La Trobe University.
Book your tickets here.